1 - How long does it take to deliver the goods?
We will prepare the order and send it within 1-2 working days. Delivery time depends on the company transporting the shipment and where the shipment is sent to you. The term can vary from 1 to 20 days. For more information see DELIVERY AND RETURN CONDITIONS 

2 - Can I use all the coupons I have for one purchase?

3 - Will I receive loyalty points if the order is canceled?

4 - Will I get points if I bought the goods at a discount?

5 - Do you send goods abroad?
YES. More information about prices and terms can be found here

6 - Where is my shipment, why is it delayed?
You can follow the shipment with the link you received in the email or by logging in to your account -> Order History. If you purchased the goods without registering as guest , you can also follow the shipment with the link you received in the e-mail or HERE

7 - Ar išrašote sąskaitas faktūras?
Taip, svarbu Jums taisyklingai suvesti duomenis užsakymo pateikimo metu.